
Collar Options Strategy

The financial markets are constantly evolving, and investors are always on the lookout for tools to manage risk and maximize returns. One such tool is the collar options strategy. Crafted to balance both

Iron Butterfly Option Strategy

Iron Butterfly Iron condor ATM short strikes OTM short strikes  Max extrinsic value is at the ATM strikes  Less extrinsic value collected from OTM strikes  Collect more premium than the iron condor  Collect

Bull Call Spread Options

Key Takeaways * A bull call spread is a strategy which includes two call options: a long call option with a lower strike price and a short call option with a higher strike price

Rolling Options: How & When to Roll Options

Introduction In the thrilling industry of trading and investments, the concept of “rolling options” emerges as an enticing and potentially rewarding strategy. This technique presents an abundance of opportunities for traders who seek